Bettie Page with camera and photographer
Now that A Lover’s Pinch is out, I want to continue working. It’s not the only book on BDSM I want to write. While I don’t have any response from a publisher yet, I want to get to work on my next product, The Celluloid Dungeon. Students of queer film and history will doubtless notice the resemblance to the title of the classic book, Vito Russo’s The Celluloid Closet. I hope this will do the same for BDSM in film (primarily American).
There are a few problems to consider. First, I would like to have a lot of images in this book, but I run into two problems. First, getting the rights to film images via Getty or other services can be very expensive. Whether I self-publish or go through a publisher, I’ll have to pay for that myself.
Second, a lot of very old images, such as from the silent era, may or may not be in public domain, and good luck finding who owns the rights to them. For instance, I’d like to use stills from the old Irving Klaw bondage stags, featuring Bettie Page, but I’m not sure if they’re public domain or who owns the rights if they’re not.
Images are not essential to a work like this, but I think they would increase the customer appeal.
I also need to work on a clear thesis that will help organize the material.
Hi, Peter. Good luck with your newest project. We may overlap in a way that suits you. As you know, my BDSM experience, research, and the texts of all my leather and literary books are posted free at www. DrummerArchives.com which includes a lot of film history info: witchcraft and magic in films beginning with silents; Anton LaVey and film; and BDSM filmmaker and photographer, Robert Mapplethorope. Cheers, Jack