Aug 172016
- A brief video on the brief history of kittenplay, which appears to be a young and purely internet-based sub-subculture
- Portland, Oregon’s new BDSM-themed club and coffee shop, the Moonfyre Cafe
- The first 10 minutes of a presentation on the kinky origins of comic book superheroine Wonder Woman. The main takeaway is that all descendants of the creator’s family are under a gag order from DC Comics/Warner Bros. not to talk about anything that isn’t already published.
- Remember Second Life? The BDSM scene in that virtual world is still thriving.
- Measure for Measure wasn’t Shakespeare’s only kinky play. There’s a lot in The Taming of the Shrew too.
- More on the lesbian/feminist struggles over SM in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
- Short bit on Victorian flagellation.