Jul 182020
- In Psychology Today, Elyssa Rice talked about the misunderstanding and poor treatment of kinky people by the mental health community.
- Leather titleholder Ali Mushtaq writes about his experience of racism in the leather community, especially in the time of the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement. “…I thought it would be hypocritical if I wasn’t at least, somewhat reflective of what I was wearing at the current moment. After all, I thought to myself, ‘it’s not like I wanted to be a police officer….'”
- The new Fifty Shades is a movie on Netflix called 365 Days, and a singer named Duffy has already asked Netflix to remove it on the grounds that it glamorizes sexual violence.
- Daily Dot discusses the history and future of public sex, which has a different relevance for queer people. Queer sex was banned from the domestic sphere, forcing queer people to meet in public or semi-public places for sexual encounters. Gay assimilation and urban gentrification have squeezed public sex out, and the very ideas of “public” and “private” space are under pressure from encroaching surveillance technology.
- There’s a new documentary about kinky photographer Helmut Newton.
- While not about kink, the CBC Ideas podcast on Leonardo daVinci’s celibacy is a good example of how sexuality in other cultures is very different. To say “Leonardo was homosexual” is meaningless because he lived in a time when modern definitions like “gay” and “straight” were meaningless.