Jan 172022
- The Decoder Ring podcast explores the notorious X-rated 1982 videogame Custer’s Revenge.
- On Guard is a Youtube channel spun off from the Watts the Safe Word BDSM educational channel, which covers the gay leatherman culture of the 1970s and 1980s.
- The Internet Archive has a scan of the December 1983 issue of the gay magazine The Body Politic, which has an article by Geoff Mains called, “The Agony and the Ecstasy” about gay male S&M, extracted from Urban Aboriginals.
- The Dirty Sexy History podcast has a number of episodes on kink or kink-adjacent topics, including episodes on 19th Century dominatrix Theresa Berkley, the consensual Master-slave relationship of Arthur Munby and Hannah Cullwick, and the death of composer Franz Kotzwara from erotic asphyxiation in 1791.
- Another magazine has an interview with Jack Fritscher, legendary publisher of gay leather/BDSM magazine Drummer and porn producer, as promo for an upcoming documentary Raw! Uncut! Video!: A Love Story About Fetish Porn by Ryan A White and Alex Clausen.